
This section contains the following topics:

Responsibility of employers

In updating personal changes, the employer performs a support function only by

  • providing the forms to the member or directing the member to OPB web site for online forms
  • instructing the member to forward the completed form(s) directly to OPB, and
  • advising members on how to report any personal changes, including
  • which forms to use, and
  • when to submit changes.

Important: In accordance with Privacy Legislation, members must forward any personal changes directly to OPB.

Why OPB needs this information

OPB needs accurate, up-to-date membership information for ongoing plan administration and communication (e.g., Annual Pension Statement, pension estimates). 

Updating personal information

This details how members must update OPB on any changes to personal information during the period of employment. This page contains these topics:

Most frequent changes

The most frequent changes to a member's personal information include

  • a change in home address and/or home telephone number
  • a change in marital/spousal status and marital breakdown
  • the addition of a child or children
  • corrections to name or date of birth, and
  • the addition/deletion of beneficiaries.

Member Reporting Responsibilities

Members report any changes by

  • completing the appropriate OPB form(s)
  • signing, dating and, where necessary, having the forms witnessed
  • attaching the requisite documentation, and
  • mailing the completed forms with supporting documentation to OPB

Important: OPB will not accept forms or changes sent via e-mail.

OPB forms

Members report changes using the following OPB forms:

Member responsible for accurate information

The member is ultimately responsible for the accuracy of personal information on file with OPB

Beneficiary changes

This details what needs to happen when a member wants to change beneficiaries and includes these topics:

What employers do

Members can designate and update their beneficiaries online in e-services.


If a member does not have an eligible spouse and fails to designate beneficiaries, the death benefit is payable to the member's Estate.

Survivor and death benefits

Survivor and death benefits are payable to an Eligible Spouse or Eligible Child(ren) as required by legislation. If there is no eligible spouse or eligible child(ren), death benefits may be payable to:

  • Designated Beneficiar(ies)
  • Estate

Children who are no longer eligible

Members must designate their children if they want them to receive benefits as a designated beneficiary when

  • the children no longer meet the definition of Eligible Children, and
  • the member wishes children to receive a death benefit.

Designating beneficiaries

Members should complete their designations as described below.

When the pension credit was earned... Then members complete... And designate the ineligible 
child(ren) as...
after December 31, 1986 Section 3 Designated Beneficiary(ies)
before January 1, 1987 Section 4 Designated Beneficiary(ies)

If a member has questions around beneficiary designations, please have them contact our care centre at 416-364-5035 or 1-800-668-6203 Toll Free (Canada & U.S.A.)

Updating spousal information

This section details how spousal status must be updated whenever there is a change to ensure that pension entitlements or survivor/death benefits can be paid out. This section includes these topics:

Importance of spousal status information

Employers should make sure that members understand that spousal status must be determined before any pension entitlements or survivor/death benefits can be paid out.

Definition of "spouse"

"Spouse" is the person, whether of the same or opposite sex, who is

  • married to the member, or
  • not married to the member but living together with the member in a conjugal relationship continuously for a period of not less than three years, or
  • in a relationship of some permanence with the member, if they are parents of a child, as defined by the Family Law Act (Ontario).

What employers must do

Employers must instruct members to complete and submit to OPB a OPB3007 - Declaration of Spousal Status (PDF) form together with a copy of the applicable supporting documentation to substantiate any change in spousal status:

  • marriage certificate
  • separation agreement
  • divorce documents (i.e., court order, divorce decree or divorce judgment)
  • death certificate when the spouse pre-deceases the member.

When no supporting documentation is available

If the member cannot provide the required supporting documentation for a change in spousal status (e.g., if the member is in a common-law relationship), then the member must complete a OPB3007 - Declaration of Spousal Status (PDF) form. Members in a common-law relationship must also provide a completed OPB3010 - Affidavit of Spousal Relationship (PDF).

Confirming a common-law relationship

This details what needs to happen when a member needs to confirm his/her common-law relationship.

What employers must do

Employers must instruct members confirming or changing a common law relationship to provide the following documentation:

Marital breakdown

This details what needs to happen when a member experiences a marital breakdown and includes these topics:

What employers must do

Employers must instruct members who are undergoing a separation or divorce to

Importance of marital information

Submitting the above information ensures that the

  • member's personal records are up to date throughout the process, and
  • administration of the member’s pension benefit complies with the member's instructions concerning his/her marital situation.

Important: If the credited service included periods of marital separation, the pension benefits at retirement, termination or death will not be finalized until OPB reviews the following documents for pension impact:

  • Separation Agreement
  • Divorce documents (e.g., Court Order, Divorce Decree, Divorce Judgement)